From Third World to First: Die deutschen Bundeskanzler

Lee Kuan Yew zeichnet ein sehr treffendes Bild von den Bundeskanzlern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zu Willy Brandt schrieb er: “He was more visceral than cerebral in his reactions. Perhaps he allowed his heart to rule his head.” Während er bei Helmut Schmidt zu einem anderen Ergebnis kommt: “Helmut Schmidt... was clear-headed and tough-minded, with definite views on all key issues.” Und über Helmut Kohl schreibt er, dass viele Politiker ihn unterschätzt haben: “When he first came to power, no one expected him to become the longest-serving German chancellor since Bismarck. When I got to know him better, beneath the outward bulk and apparent clumsiness I discovered a good mind with keen political instinct. He was a strong character, resolute and consistent in pursuing his objectives... His admission that he had managed secret donations to his party that should have been declared, cannot diminish his contribution to Germany and the EU.”